Transparency is one of three core values of the Norwegian Directorate of Health. This includes transparency related to potentially irregular actions and circumstances and allows us to rectify wrongdoings and build a healthy organisation.
The reporting system of the Norwegian Directorate of Health allows you to report suspected irregularities or breaches.
Reporting in this context refers to the reporting of potentially irregular actions and circumstances, including breaches of the law and of the Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service as well as generally accepted norms, to someone in a position to rectify the matter and help improve the ethical awareness in the organisation.
The reporting system allows for easy and safe notifications of corruption, fraud and other irregularities to the Norwegian Directorate of Health or the notification of any such circumstances within the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
The reporting system has been put in place for external stakeholders such as patients and users, grant recipients, suppliers and others. We encourage you to report or notify should you have any knowledge of potential violations of laws and regulations such as:
- Corruption and financial fraud such as theft and embezzlement
- Matters of danger to life and health
- Matters of danger to the climate or environment
- Abuse of authority
- Unsafe working environment
- Breach of the security of personal data
- Breach of the Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service
- Inappropriate gifts, bonuses or other perquisites
- Social dumping
- Abuse of the systems or properties of the directorate
- Breach of regulations related to various subject areas, such as procurement, confidentiality and impartiality
Not included in the reporting system
- Critical statements, such as professional or political disagreement
- Complaints related to decisions and services. If you experience errors or shortcomings in administrative procedures, decisions or services, you need to contact the relevant public official within the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
- Complaints related to health care services. If you experience errors or shortcomings in services related to healthcare, you need to contact the relevant health care provider.
Reported cases that are not included in the reporting system will receive a standard response and the case will be closed.
How to report
When you fill in the form, your notification will be submitted via an encrypted web solution. When you submit the form via the web, your notification will first be categorizised and processed by the external notification body of the Norwegian Directorate of Health before being sent to the Directorate's Notification Committee for further processing. The external notification body of the Norwegian Directorate of Health is operated by the law firm PwC AS.
When registering your report, you do not need to provide any proof of what you consider to be potentially irregular actions or circumstances. You should however describe what has happened as precisely and in as much detail as possible. Your notification should as a minimum include:
- Time (time period) and place of the event
- Specific information related to the matter and what this information is based upon
- Any person you know or believe to have knowledge on the matter
Go to the web form "Report irregular action or incident"
Mail or email
Reporting via mail
You can also register your report via mail or email. Send a letter to:
PwC v/Gunnar Holm Ringen, or Nora Hader
Postboks 748, Sentrum
NO-0106 Oslo
Mark the envelope "Varsel".
Reporting via email
Send an email to Gunnar Holm Ringen or Nora Hader
Anonymity and transparency
If you prefer, you can submit an anonymous report. Whether or not you provide a name or submit an anonymous report, your notification will be handled in accordance with laws and regulations for public administration procedures.
To ensure adversarial procedures, the person that the report relates to must be informed of the content of the notification and be given the opportunity to comment. It is however possible - if considered necessary to further clarify the actual circumstances - to make simple preliminary investigations before informing the person that the report relates to. If these investigations do not reveal any irregular actions and circumstances, the case can be closed without the person being informed.
It is important for the Norwegian Directorate of Health to ensure that the reporting system is safe for everyone who submits a notification. Protection of the person that the report relates to will be emphasised in the assessment.
In accordance with the Public Administration Act, the right of access to documents can be granted upon request. This only applies when it is not possible to identify individuals or when not subject to a duty of confidentiality. Access will also be postponed if not considered advisable for the sake of the case investigations.
After reporting
After the notification is received by the external notification body, it will be categorised and processed. The person submitting the notification will, where possible, receive feedback from the external notification body when the notification has been received. The notification is passed on to the Notification Committee of the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
The internal Notification Committee will handle the report and decide on the further process. How the report will be followed-up on will depend on the circumstances to which the notification applies. If possible, the person that the report relates to will be informed when the case has been processed. The decision made by the internal Notification Committee is not an individual decision and cannot be appealed.
Reporting and freedom of information - confidential information is exempt
Documents related to notifications are subject to the same legislation on confidentiality and freedom of information as other documents. This means that confidential information will always be exempt from public disclosure. Information that does not fall under the exemption provisions in the Freedom of Information Act may, on the other hand, be published or granted access to upon request or as decided by the Ministry of Health and Care Services.