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Making Progress on Health Equity – Setting targets and developing policies to prevent chronic disease and mitigate climate change.

Helsedirektoratet er medlem av EuroHealthNet – et nettverk som jobber for å fremme folkehelsen og redusere sosiale helseforskjeller i Europa. I år har nettverket lagt sin generalforsamling til Norge og Helsedirektoratet. Sammen inviterer vi til et fagseminar.

  • 5. juni 2023
  • 13:30–17:00
  • Helsedirektoratet, Vitaminveien 4, 0483 Oslo.
  • Gjennomført, se opptak


Om arrangementet

Seminaret vil rette søkelyset på to hovedområder; forebygging av ikke-smittsomme sykdommer og sammenhengen mellom klima og helse. Hvordan skal folkehelsefeltet sette mål og utvikle strategier på disse områdene framover?


  • Forvaltning
  • Forskning   
  • Folkehelsearbeidere
  • Andre


13.30 – 14.00Registrering
14.00-14.15Velkommen og innledning v Helsedirektør Bjørn Guldvog og President EuroHealthNet Prof. Martin Dietrich
14.15 – 15.15

Session 1: Target setting and policy making in the field of NCDs and health determinants, Moderated by Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Honorary Advisor EuroHealthNet

Prof. Knut Inge Klepp, Executive Director at Norwegian Institute of Public Health  ‘Reducing the burden of NCDs at a personal and societal level: Ambitious intention to reduce health inequalities across Europe.’

Dr. Jessica Allen, Deputy Director of the Institute of Health Equity at University College London – ‘Reducing inequalities in NCDs through action on the social determinants.

Dr. Gauden Galea (online), Special Advisor on NCDs and Dr. Kira Fortune, Regional Advisor - Healthy Cities, Health Promotion and Well-being, WHO European Office – ‘Target setting as a tool to mobilise political leaders for public health measures that can reduce the burden of NCDs.’

15.15 – 15.45 Pause
15.45 – 16.45

Session 2: Target setting and policy making in the field of Climate Change and Health Moderated by Dr. Sumina Azam, Vice-President EuroHealthNet

Introductory video message from Dr. María Neira, WHO Assistant Director-General a.i. Healthier Populations Division and Member of the Advisory Panel for the UN Global Climate Action Awards.

Prof. Tanja Winther, Center of Development and the Environment at University of Oslo and Head of Include – ‘Energy and social inequalities.’

Dr. Remco van de Pas, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Planetary Health Policy – ‘Reorienting policies and targets for healthier people and planet.’

Dr. Marco Martuzzi, Director of the Environment & Health Department at ISS – ‘The role of public health in shaping and driving the climate and health research and action agenda.’


16.45 – 17.00

Final conclusions

Caroline Costogne, Direktør EuroHealthNet
Øyvind Giæver, Director of the Department of Social Determinants, Norwegian Directorate of Health


Helsedirektoratet i samarbeid med EuroHealthNet

Først publisert: 19.04.2023 Siste faglige endring: 19.04.2023 Se tidligere versjoner