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Kapittel 7Litteraturliste

1.  Mokdad, A.H., et al., Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for young people's health during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet, 2016. 387(10036): p. 2383-2401.

2.  Babor, T., et al., Alcohol: No ordinary commodity. Research and public policy. 3rd edition. 2023, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3.  Babor, T., et al., Drug Policy and the Public Good. 2018: Oxford University Press.

4.  UNODC, Review of National Prevention Systems based on the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention. Final report of the pilot in Norway 2024, UNODC.

5.  Rose, G. and S. Day, The population mean predicts the number of deviant individuals. BMJ, 1990. 301: p. 1031-1034.

6.  Rose, G., Sick individuals and sick populations. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2001. 30(3): p. 427-432.

7.  Burdzovic, J., et al., Konseptualisering av rusmiddelforebygging i et folkehelseperspektiv. 2018, Helsedirektoratet: Oslo.

8.  EMCDDA, European Prevention Curriculum: a handbook for decision-makers, opinion-makers and policy-makers in science-based prevention of substance use 2019, EMCDDA: Lisbon. p. 172.

9.  Kingdon, J.W., Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies. 1995, Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers.

10.  Lipsky, M., Street level bureaucracy. Dilemmas of the individual in public services. Vol. 2. 2010, New York, NY: The Russel Sage Foundation.

11.  Buvik, K., Everybody is drunk. Street-level alcohol policy in Oslo. PhD thesis, in Dept of Sociology and Human Geography. 2015, University of Oslo: Oslo.

12.  UNODC and WHO, International Standards on Drug Use Prevention. Second updated edition. 2018, UNODC: Vienna.

13.  Departementene, Nasjonal alkoholstrategi. En helsefremmende og solidarisk alkoholpolitikk 2021-2025. 2021, Departmentene: Oslo.

14.  Mikkelsen, S., Hva er forebygging? Tidsskriftet Forebygging.no, 2005. 8.

15.  EMCDDA, European Drug Report. Trends and developments. 2022, European monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

16.  Tulsidas, H., Glue sniffing: A review. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 2010. 19(4): p. 312-318.

17.  ESPAD Group, ESPAD Report 2019: Results from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs. 2020, EMCDDA Joint Publications: Luxembourg.

18.  Pape, H., Skoletiltak som synes å gi effekt: fruktbar forskning om rusforebygging eller suspekte historier om suksess? Nordisk alkohol- og narkotikatidsskrift, 2009. 26: p. 341-354.

19.  Lee, N.K., et al., What works in school-based alcohol education: A systematic review. Health Education Journal, 2016. 75(7): p. 780-798.

20.  Rossow, I. and J. McCambridge, The handling of evidence in national and local policy making: a case study of alcohol industry actor strategies regarding data on on-premise trading hours and violence in Norway. BMC Public Health, 2019. 19(1): p. 44.

21.  Baklien, B., Iverksetting av forebyggende tiltak. Tidsskriftet Forebygging.no, 2008.

22.  Dusenbury, L., et al., A review of research on fidelity of implementation: implications for drug abuse prevention in school settings. Health Education Research, 2003. 18(2): p. 237-256.

23.  Dusenbury, L. and W.B. Hansen, Pursuing the course from research to practice. Prevention Science, 2004. 5: p. 55-59.

24.  Foxcroft, D.R. and A. Tsertsvadze, Universal alcohol misuse prevention programmes for children and adolescents: Cochrane systematic reviews. Perspectives in Public Health, 2012. 132(3): p. 128-134.

25.  Helsedirektoratet. Program for folkehelsearbeid i kommunene (Program for Health Promotion in the Municipalities). 2018  [cited 2019 April 4]; Available from: https://helsedirektoratet.no/folkehelse/folkehelsearbeid-i-kommunen/program-for-folkehelsearbeid-i-kommunene.

26.  Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Meld.St.30 Se meg! En helhetlig rusmiddelpolitikk. Alkohol - narkotika - dopig, Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Editor. 2012: Oslo.

27.  Det kongelige helse- og omsorgsdepartement, opptrappingsplan for rusfeltet (2016 - 2020) Prop. 15 S. 2015.

28.  Redaksjonen Forebygging.no, Planlegging av rus- og folkehelsearbeid i kommunene, hvorfor og hvordan? . Tidsskriftet Forebygging.no, 2023.

29.  Das, J.K., et al., Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: An overview of systematic reviews. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2016. 59(4): p. S61-S75.

30.  Onrust, S.A., et al., School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom? Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 2016. 44: p. 45-59.

31.  Stockings, E., et al., Prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, and treatment of substance use in young people. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2016. 3(3): p. 280-296.

32.  Ruud, T., et al., Barn som pårørende. Resultater fra en multisenterstudie. 2015, Akershus universitetssykehus, HF: Lørenskog.

33.  Bröning, S., et al., Selective prevention programs for children from substance-affected families: a comprehensive systematic review. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2012. 7: p. 1-17.

34.  Skretting, A., et al., Rusmidler i Norge 2016. 2017, Folkehelseinstituttet: Oslo.

35.  Bogstrand, S.T., et al., Prevalence of alcohol and other substances of abuse among injured patients in a Norwegian emergency department. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2011. 117(2): p. 132-138.

36.  Lee, C.M., et al., Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among young adults: A scoping review of prevalence, patterns, psychosocial correlates, and consequences. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 2022. 42(1).

37.  Pape, H., I. Rossow, and E.E. Storvoll, Under double influence: assessment of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in general youth populations. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2009. 101(1): p. 69-73.

38.  Jørgenrud, B., H. Furuhaugen, and H. Gjerde, Prevalence and correlates of illicit drug use among Norwegian nightlife patrons. Substance Use & Misuse, 2021. 56(11): p. 1697-1706.

39.  Gallet, C., The demand for alcohol: a meta-analysis of elasticities. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resorce Economics, 2007. 51: p. 121-136.

40.  Elder, R.W., et al., The effectiveness of tax policy interventions for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and related harms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2010. 38(2): p. 217-229.

41.  Wagenaar, A.C., A.L. Tobler, and K.A. Komro, Effects of alcohol tax and price policies on morbidity and mortality: a systematic review. American Journal of Public Health, 2010. 100(11): p. 2270-2278.

42.  Ngo, A.P., et al., Alcohol excise taxes as a percentage of retail alcohol prices in 26 OECD countries. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2021. 219: p. 108415.

43.  Wagenaar, A.C. and T.L. Toomey, Effects of minimum drinking age laws: Review and analyses of the literature from 1960 to 2000. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2002: p. 206-225.

44.  World Health Organization, Global status report on alcohol and health. 2018, World Health Organization: Geneva.

45.  Opinion, Befolkningsundersøkelse om alkohol og cannabis. 2021, Opinion AS: Oslo.

46.  Sosialdepartementet, Ot. prp nr. 60 (1971-72) Om lov om endringer i lov av 5. april 1927 om innførsel og omsetning av brennevin, vin, fruktivin, mjød og øl Sosialdepartementet, Editor. 1972: Oslo. p. 16-18.

47.  Finan, L.J., et al., Alcohol marketing and adolescent and young adult alcohol use behaviors: A systematic review of cross-sectional studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, 2020(s19): p. 42-56.

48.  Sargent, J.D., S. Cukier, and T.F. Babor, Alcohol marketing and youth drinking: is there a causal relationship, and why does it matter? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, 2020(s19): p. 5-12.

49.  Noel, J.K., C.J. Sammartino, and S.R. Rosenthal, Exposure to digital alcohol marketing and alcohol use: A systematic review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, 2020(s19): p. 57-67.

50.  OECD, Preventing harmful alcohol use, in OECD Health Policy Studies. 2021, OECD Publishing: Paris.

51.  Rossow, I., The alcohol advertising ban in Norway: Effects on recorded alcohol sales. Drug and Alcohol Review, 2021. 40(7): p. 1392-1395.

52.  Rossow, I., H. Pape, and E.E. Storvoll, Beruselsens kilder - hvordan ungdom skaffer seg alkohol. Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening, 2005. 125: p. 1160-1162.

53.  Rossow, I., E.E. Storvoll, and H. Pape, Håndheves aldersgrensen for å få kjøpt alkohol? Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2007. 127: p. 1510-1512.

54.  Rossow, I., T. Karlsson, and K. Raitasalo, Old enough for a beer? Compliance with minimum legal age for alcohol purchases in monopoly and other off-premise outlets in Finland and Norway. Addiction, 2008. 103(9): p. 1468-1473.

55.  Buvik, K. and S.G. Christiansen, Salgs- og skjenkebevillinger: kommunenes forvaltning av alkoholloven, in Alkohol i Norge. 2022, Folkehelseinstituttet: Oslo.

56.  Platt, L., et al., How effective are brief interventions in reducing alcohol consumption: do the setting, practitioner group and content matter? Findings from a systematic review and metaregression analysis. BMJ Open, 2016. 6: p. e011473.

57.  Kaner, E.F., et al., The effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary care settings: a systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 2009. 28(3): p. 301-323.

58.  Beyer, F., et al., The Cochrane 2018 review on brief interventions in primary care for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption: a distillation for clinicians and policy makers. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2019. 54(4): p. 417-427.

59.  O'Donnell, A., et al., The impact of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare: A systematic review of reviews. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2014. 49(1): p. 66-78.

60.  D'Onofrio, G. and L.C. Degutis, Preventive care in the emergency department: screening and vrief interventions for alcohol problems in the emergency department: A systematic review. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2002. 9(6): p. 627-638.

61.  Nilsen, P., et al., A systematic review of emergency care brief alcohol interventions for injury patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2008. 35(2): p. 184-201.

62.  Steele, D.W., et al., Brief behavioral interventions for substance use in adolescents: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 2020. 146(4).

63.  Nygaard, P., et al., Use and barriers to use of screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems among Norwegian general practioners. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 2010. 45(2): p. 207-212.

64.  Johnson, M., et al., Barriers and facilitators to implementing screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Journal of Public Health, 2011. 33(3): p. 412-421.

65.  Derges, J., et al., Alcohol screening and brief interventions for adults and young people in health and community-based settings: a qualitative systematic literature review. BMC public health, 2017. 17(1): p. 1-12.

66.  Nygaard, P. and O.G. Aasland, Barriers to implementing screening and brief interventions in general practice: Findings from a qualitative study in Norway. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2011. 46(1): p. 52-60.

67.  Lid, T.G. and K. Malterud, General practitioners' strategies to identify alcohol problems: a focus group study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2012. 30(2): p. 64-69.

68.  Halkjelsvik, T. and E.E. Storvoll, Andel av befolkningen i Norge med et risikofylt alkoholkonsum målt gjennom Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2015. 32(1): p. 61-72.

69.  Voas, R.B., et al., Alcohol-related risk of driver fatalities: an update using 2007 data. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2012. 73(3): p. 341-350.

70.  Gjære, K. and Y. Larsen, Rusforebygging i skolen - med nye læreplaner. Forebygging.no, 2020. 1.

71.  Rossow, I. and H. Pape, Forebygging under forbud, in Cannabisboka, J.G. Bramness and A.L. Bretteville-Jensen, Editors. 2019, Universitetsforlaget: Oslo.

72.  Edalati, H. and P.J. Conrod, A review of personality-targeted interventions for prevention of substance misuse and related harm in community samples of adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2019. 9: p. 770.

73.  Newton, N.C., et al., Effect of selective personality-targeted alcohol use prevention on 7-year alcohol-related outcomes among high-risk adolescents: a secondary analysis of a cluster randomized clinical trial. JAMA network open, 2022. 5(11): p. e2242544-e2242544.

74.  Holmila, M., T. Karlsson, and K. Warpenius, Controlling teenagers' drinking: Effects of a community-based prevention project. Journal of Substance Use, 2010. 15(3): p. 201-214.

75.  Stockings, E., et al., Whole‐of‐community interventions to reduce population‐level harms arising from alcohol and other drug use: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Addiction, 2018. 113(11): p. 1984-2018.

76.  Kristjansson, A.L., et al., Adolescent substance use, parental monitoring, and leisure-time activities: 12-year outcomes of primary prevention in Iceland. Preventive Medicine, 2010. 51(2): p. 168-171.

77.  Trolldal, B., et al., En stor stark, tack - en studie av ungdomars möjligheter att bli serverade starköl på restauranger i Stockholm våren 2007. 2007, Stpckholms läns landsting: Stockholm.

78.  Trolldal, B., et al., Effects of a multi‐component responsible beverage service programme on violent assaults in Sweden. Addiction, 2013. 108(1): p. 89-96.

79.  Skardhamar, T., S.B. Fekjær, and W. Pedersen, If it works there, will it work here? The effect of a multi-component responsible beverage service (RBS) programme on violence in Oslo. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016. 169: p. 128-133.

80.  Torvik, F.A. and K. Rognmo, Barn av foreldre med psykiske lidelser eller alkoholmisbruk. Omfang og konsekvenser. rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, 2011.

81.  Park, S. and K.G. Schepp, A systematic review of research on children of alcoholics: Their inherent resilience and vulnerability. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2015. 24: p. 1222-1231.

82.  Straussner, S.L. and C.H. Fewell, A review of recent literature on the impact of parental substance use disorders on children and the provision of effective services. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 2018. 31(4): p. 363-367.

83.  Calhoun, S., et al., Improving the outcomes of children affected by parental substance abuse: a review of randomized controlled trials. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 2015: p. 15-24.

84.  Andreas, J.B., T.J. O'Farrell, and W. Fals-Stewart, Does individual treatment for alcoholic fathers benefit their children? A longitudinal assessment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2006. 74(1): p. 191.

85.  Andreas, J.B. and T.J. O'Farrell, Alcoholics Anonymous attendance following 12-step treatment participation as a link between alcohol-dependent fathers' treatment involvement and their children's externalizing problems. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2009. 36(1): p. 87-100.

86.  Rounsaville, D., et al., Children's exposure to parental conflict after father's treatment for alcoholism. Addictive Behaviors, 2014. 39(7): p. 1168-1171.

87.  Carvalho, A.F., et al., Alcohol use disorders. The Lancet, 2019. 394(10200): p. 781-792.

88.  Rehm, J., et al., Alcohol consumption, alcohol dependence and attributable burden of disease in Europe, in Potential gains from effective interventions for alcohol dependence. Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. 2012, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Toronto, CA.

89.  May, C., A.S. Nielsen, and R. Bilberg, Barriers to treatment for alcohol dependence. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research, 2019. 8(2): p. 1-17.

90.  Hoch, E., et al., Digital interventions for problematic cannabis users in non-clinical settings: findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Addiction Research, 2016. 22(5): p. 233-242.

91.  Nesvåg, S. and J.R. McKay, Feasibility and effects of digital interventions to support people in recovery from substance use disorders: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2018. 20(8): p. e9873.

92.  Vederhus, J.-K., et al., Can a smartphone app for cannabis cessation gain a broader user group than traditional treatment services? Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 2020. 14: p. 1178221820902237.

93.  Bonfiglio, N.S., et al., Digital help for substance users (SU): A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022. 19(18): p. 11309.

94.  Boumparis, N., et al., Short-and long-term effects of digital prevention and treatment interventions for cannabis use reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2019. 200: p. 82-94.

95.  Bramness, J.G., et al., Lystgass: Bruk, helseskader og regulering. 2023, Folkehelseinstituttet: Oslo.

96.  Young, B., et al., Effectiveness of mass media campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption and harm: a systematic review. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2018. 53(3): p. 302-316.

97.  Stead, M., et al., Mass media for public health messages: reviews of the evidence. Public Health Research, 2018.

98.  Allara, E., et al., Are mass-media campaigns effective in preventing drug use? A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 2015. 5.

99.  Pape, H., E.E. Storvoll, and I. Rossow, Så feil kan man ta! Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning, 2006. 6(1).

100.  Baklien, B., et al., Regionprosjektet - nyttig forebygging? Evalueringen av et pilotprosjekt om lokalbasert rusforebygging.(The regional project - useful prevention? Evaluation of a pilot project on community based alcohol and drug prevention). 2007, Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning: Oslo.

101.  Wolfenden, L., et al., Increased use of knowledge translation strategies is associated with greater research impact on public health policy and practice: an analysis of trials of nutrition, physical activity, sexual health, tobacco, alcohol and substance use interventions. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2022. 20(1): p. 15.

102.  Fagan, A.A., et al., Sustaining the utilization and high quality implementation of tested and effective prevention programs using the Communities That Care prevention system. American Journal of Community Psychology, 2012. 49(3-4): p. 365-377.

103.  Holmila, M., et al., Roles for researchers in community action projects to prevent alcohol and other drug problems. Methodological choices. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 2008. 15(4): p. 410-423.

104.  Wallin, E., T. Norström, and S. Andreasson, Alcohol prevention targeting licensed premises: a study of effects on violence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2003. 64(2): p. 270-277.

Siste faglige endring: 14. mars 2024